Custom Paste/Solder Masks
使用此功能需要在软件设置Advanced Settings中启用 PCB.Pad.CustomMasks 时才可以使用
此功能允许您在PCB设计和PCB封装中对焊盘的Paste/Solder Masks层图形自定义形状
从Shape下拉列表中选择Custom Shape,然后点击Edit按钮,即可自定义编辑对应图形
从指定层绘制一个或多个自定义图形,选中它们从鼠标右键选择Pad Actions->Add Selected Custom Masks to Pad在焊盘上自定义形状
为了支持 ‘pin-in-paste’ and ‘thru-hole reflow’ 技术,如果需要对通孔焊盘增加锡膏层可在规则管理器或者使用自定义的方式定义锡膏层
Added New Special Strings
- .BlindVia_Count
- .Board_Height
- .Board_Width
- .BuriedVia_Count
- .ComponentMixed_Count
- .ComponentSMD_Count
- .ComponentThru_Count
- .CopperInner_Weight_Max
- .CopperOuter_Weight_Max
- .Hole_Size_Min
- .Hole_Size_Num
- .Layer_Count
- .MicroVia_Count
- .PadSMD_Count
- .PadThru_Count
- .SolderMask_Bottom
- .SolderMask_Top
- .StackedVia_Count
- .Thru_Via_Count
注意Draftsman特殊字符串的前缀是“ = ”而不是“ . ”
Added Ability to Keep Room Orientation
Copy Room 时增加一个 Copy Room Orientation 选项,允许带方向复制room,这样如果room方向与源不一致时,room方向不会改变到与源一致
Draftsman Improvement
Draftsman的Board Assembly View支持沉孔,如果源PCB具有应用了沉孔特征的通孔焊盘,则这些焊盘将正确显示在Draftsman文档中PCB的板组装视图中。
- 52750 For a specific embedded board, custom pads were being incorrectly located when using the Print Preview feature and in subsequently generated PDF documentation.
- 53166 For a particular design and with a specific expansion value for a custom shaped pad’s Top Paste Mask, an error would be encountered when generating IPC-2581 output.
- 54470 Added additional support for customization of padstacks. You can now define custom Paste/Solder Mask shapes. (I:2424, I:10245, I:14604)
- 55401 After closing a PCB document, not all memory was being released/freed as expected, indicative of a memory leak.
- 55520 Additional special strings (with auto-calculated values for key manufacturing parameters) now available in support of composing fabrication notes when preparing an RFQ. (I:6849, I:10853)
- 56095 For a specific design, glossing a selected odd-angle track in Rounded mode would result in an erroneous violation between the track and a neighboring pad.
- 56141 For a specific design, attempting to move a selection with the ‘Component re-route’ option enabled, would result in an Access Violation (in module ‘ADVPCB.DLL’) being encountered.
- 56212 For a particular design, interactively routing would lead to the PCB editor locking up and Altium Designer silently exiting. (BC:21185)
- 56223 Added the ability to control whether or not the rotation of the chosen source room is copied to a destination room when using the ‘Copy Room Formats’ feature. (I:8457)
- 56241 It was not possible to import a SOLIDWORKS 3D model (*.SldPrt) created using SOLIDWORKS 2023.
- 56595 In some cases with the PCB Rules And Violations panel undocked, left-clicking on a violation entry would lead to an Access Violation (in module “ADVPCB.DLL”) being encountered. (BC:21481)
- 45932 For a specific PCB, exporting to DXF/DWG format would not include component pads rotated by 180 degrees.
- 54107 When tuning a differential pair in a specific design, it was possible to create an extra tuning pattern after previously applied tuning had already achieved the target length.
- 54909 Added support for the import of custom pad stacks (and defined thermal leg ties) defined in an Allegro board design.
- 55397 When using the outer layers (Top/Bottom) for a single layer Flex PCB, the bottom solder mask was visible for a top SMD component pad.
- 55398 When generating NC Drill output, only a single drill was being generated for each of the IPC 4761 via types.
- 55551 For a specific panelized PCB, generation of Gerber X2 data through an OutJob resulted in the PTH_Drill.gbr file containing no data. (BC:20599)
- 55908 In some cases, closing a PCB document using the Ctrl+F4 shortcut would result in an Access Violation (at address 000000015C40C523 in module ‘ADVPCB.DLL’) being encountered.
- 55960 When generating Gerber files from a specific PCB document, the error “Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation” would be encountered.
- 56012 The Board Report would show “100% Routing Completion”, even when some connections remained unrouted, but were hidden.
- 56036 For a specific design, the number of holes in the Drill Table for a created Embedded Board Array was not equal to the sum total of holes in the Drill Tables for source PCBs.
Altium 23.6
Additional Clipping Options for Silkscreen Preparation 根据焊盘裁切丝印功能
菜单Tools » Silkscreen Preparation新增一个裁切丝印的功能,可以将丝印图形落在裸露的铜皮或Solder Mask的部分去除掉
移除压Solder Mask部分
Footprint Parameters in the PCB Library PCB库中的更多参数
封装属性页面仅在PCB library document (.PcbLib) 模式下可用,在打开某个封装库,且没有任何对象被选择时Footprint标签页显示在属性面板中
使用表达式查询可用FootprintParameterValue, HasFootprintParameter and HasFootprintParameterValue
Altium Designer’s Comparison engine,可以查看封装属性的差异
从PCB中使用Make PCB Library生成PCB库时,若器件包含这些属性,其也将被一起导出
从PCB输出Pick and Place and ODB++也支持导出这些属性值
- 51719 Support for adding user-defined parameters to footprints at the PCB Library level through the Properties panel has been added.
- 52776 When glossing track entering an SMD pad in ‘Rounded’ mode, the track’s trajectory is pulled to the corner of the pad, creating violations with nearby objects.
- 52778 When glossing odd-angle track in ‘Rounded’ mode, any arcs included are replaced with straight track, causing a violation with any neighboring keep-out track.
- 54567 Two additional options have been added to the Silkscreen Preparation tool, allowing you to “Clip to Exposed Copper” or “Clip to Solder Mask Openings”.
- 55043 In some cases on boards containing sections separated by net class, running a DRC would sometimes flag false clearance violations between split planes.
- 55237 In some cases, an Access Violation (in module ADVPCB.DLL) would be encountered after attempting to delete a design rule created by the Rule Wizard.
- 55247 For a specific design, routing a particular section of the board would lead to the error “Infinite loop is detected” being encountered.
- 55396 A single line text string placed on a PCB when using a 30 inch monitor was being converted to multi-line text when using a 24 inch monitor.
Altium 23.5
Added New PCB Section View
截面视图功能可在PCB编辑器的3D布局模式下使用 (View » 3D Layout Mode, shortcut 3)选择View » Toggle Section View命令启用
Custom Thermal Reliefs for Pad/Via
热连接可以以两种模式之一应用:规则驱动或自定义。在这两种模式中,都添加了“自动”选项,该选项可自动从每个焊盘/过孔边缘的中心添加连接。可以使用“最小距离”(Min Distance)设置来控制每个连接之间的间距。
要手动定义散热连接点,请在焊盘/过孔属性中启用“ Thermal Relief ”选项,然后使用“Pad Actions/Via Actions”右键单击菜单中的命令,或单击“Properties panel”中的“Edit Points ”按钮。单击“Edit Points”按钮后,可以使用Ctrl+单击在焊盘形状沿着任意点以图形方式添加辐条,而无需从右键单击菜单中调用命令。添加、编辑或删除连接点时,它们在焊盘/过孔边缘上显示为白色十字准线。
为焊盘或过孔手动定义热释压时,它将由“特性”面板中的“Manual ”选项和“Edit Polygon Connect Style”对话框表示,现在可以通过单击“特性”面板中“Thermal Relief ”字段中的链接来访问该对话框。如果需要,还可以通过启用“Min Distance”复选框并输入适当的值来选择导体之间的最小距离。
- 本文作者:Tiny-Y
- 本文链接:https://tiny-yhw.github.io//new-in-altium-pcb-version-23
- 版权声明:自由转载-非商用-非衍生-保持署名(创意共享3.0许可证)